Tuesday, 8 March 2011

hell kerbex

Hey guys i just tell info about new beyblades right so here i have a new beyblade called The Hell kerbex.This is a better beyblade then Basalt hologium,i still dont now about its tip and track its metal wheel is bigger than normal beyblades and thats why any beyblade cant beat it.the owoner is called Damian its not in the dark nebula but it has no group at all.The only beyblade that can beat it is big bang pegasus,l-drago destroy and fang leone.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Basault hologium

Hey guys i got new beyblae this time is about Basault hologium.This beyblade is a legend,the user is a robot.This beyblade uses a 145 track and a wd tip like aquila,poseidon and flame byxis.The body of hologium is basault its like a circle with lines in the each spot.The beyblade owner is in the new dark nebula group.Guys ia really sorry because of not giving info about lancerta ok

Sunday, 16 January 2011

meteo ldrago

hey guys today i got a new beyblade review its on the 3rd evolution of ldrago and it is meteo ldrago.meteo ldrag is a beyblade that is a legend.after storm pegasus and lighting ldrago was defeated l drago evolve to its coolest evolution.meteo ldragowas usually use a 100 track but now it turns to 105 tracknot only its track evolve its tip even evolve to a Lf tip that is a harder galaxy pegasus tip but not rubber but plastic.ldrag's owner ryuga turns to a monster when fighting ginka in the final battle,now ryuga grown stronger and tougher.so next time i will post about termal lancerta.