Tuesday, 8 March 2011

hell kerbex

Hey guys i just tell info about new beyblades right so here i have a new beyblade called The Hell kerbex.This is a better beyblade then Basalt hologium,i still dont now about its tip and track its metal wheel is bigger than normal beyblades and thats why any beyblade cant beat it.the owoner is called Damian its not in the dark nebula but it has no group at all.The only beyblade that can beat it is big bang pegasus,l-drago destroy and fang leone.


  1. Any beyblade can't beat it huh? You sure did your homework on this beyblade.Hopefully what you say is right.Keep up the good post.You have nice content on this site.

  2. hey i got your comment,if you want to exchange links for traffic purposes,let me know.
